I've decided to move back home, temporarily. The moving process has been amazing, it has been cleansing. I have been decluttering the house, selling off furniture, clothes and other stuff I've accumulated. It's a rebirth within a rebirthing moment in time for me. I hope to return home with a stronger sense of direction, a stronger passion and drive to manifest the life I want. I have been working on my art and working on myself. I ask myself what I desire, and I am beginning to see that I can and deserve it. Sometimes it's coming to me, straight to me. I am beginning this journey everyday with a better head on my shoulders and a stronger heart in my body. I need to remind myself that I am what I desire and that I am becoming it everyday. I can bring about the life I want if I believe in myself. If I follow my heart. My heart has been silenced for so long, I think it is hard to hear it over the chatter in my mind. But as I allow myself to flow and to move with the curren...